Student Organizations within the Diversity Center

亚洲博彩平台排名博彩平台排名为学生提供了广泛的参与机会.  校园里有200多个学生组织,包括一些文化和社会意识组织,旨在提供交叉交流, educational, 以及跨不同身份群体的社交节目. 文化和社会意识组织在促进多样性方面发挥着重要和积极的作用, equity, 以及支持亚洲博彩平台排名学生成为全球公民的包容性努力.


  • Advocates for Autism
    • 博彩平台排名努力营造一个自闭症学生可以做自己的环境, get access to needed resources, and share experiences about shared experiences. We desire to dismantle ableism at Butler and beyond. In addition, this club partners with BU Students on the Spectrum, a student led discussion group, 专门为博彩平台排名校园里的自闭症学生准备的.
    • @buadvocates4autism
  • Asian & Pacific Islander Alliance (APIA)
    • Asian & 太平洋岛民联盟是一个寻求赋权和教育的学生团体. 博彩平台排名努力为亚洲人提供一种社区意识 & 太平洋岛民的学生,博彩平台排名的目标是促进对大量亚洲人的了解 & Pacific Islander cultures.
    • @ apia_bu
  • Black Student Union (BSU)
    • 黑人学生会的使命是为其成员提供服务,为亚洲博彩平台排名的黑人学生建立一个支持系统. BSU aims to celebrate Black cultures, communities, and history by raising consciousness, by educating students, and through other programming.  它代表校园里的黑人学生和有色人种成员表达了他们的担忧, 通过国内外意识的提高, social activism and community service.
    • @butleru_bsu
  • Bulldogs for Universal Design (BUD)
    • BUD在博彩平台排名校园的目标是创造一个真正可访问的, inclusive, and anti-ableist environment both inside & outside of the classroom. For disabled students, this is a group that aims to hear you, support you, and advocate with/for you in our campus community. Able-bodied members are invited to come & learn about disability & ableism, advocate alongside disabled peers, and learn allyship that is non-performative, introspective, and effective. 博彩平台排名将定期举办会议和活动,庆祝残疾人的历史/文化, 在博彩平台排名的校园里提倡反残疾主义者的做法, 并让整个校园社区了解残疾歧视的现实.
    • @budatbutler
  • Butler LGBTQIA+ Alliance
    • 联盟是LGBTQ+个人和盟友来寻找社区的安全空间. We focus on cultivating a safe, 有吸引力的环境,互相教育和交流, get involved in activism, learn new skills, and have fun! Alliance activities include discussion circles, game nights, field trips, drag shows, dances, craft nights, fundraising, and more. 博彩平台排名的办公室位于阿瑟顿联盟地下室的多元化中心, with office hours every day of the academic week. 欢迎所有人加入,无论性别或性取向.
    • @ butleralliance
  • Diversity Program Council (DPC)
    • 多元化计划委员会(DPC)设想了一个由集体自由的个人组成的社区,没有人或群体被落下. Composed of students, DPC强调学生在创造和维持大学文化方面发挥的重要作用,这种文化将社会公平和正义视为安全的基石, success, and equality. 博彩平台排名努力引导学生群体朝着培养一个接受和重视每个人的环境, appreciates our common humanity, 并理解博彩平台排名的差异是建立一个以差异为根本支撑的交叉社区的基石. 通过在博彩平台排名培养和创造一个接受的社区, DPC设想了一个统一的未来,超越博彩平台排名,建立在DPC建立在相同的基本元素上:交叉性, inclusion, empathy, and an appreciation for our common humanity.
    • @butler_dpc
  • Gender Equity Movement (GEM)
    • 性别平等运动的重点是为性别范围内的每个人提供认识和倡导. GEM strives to be a safe space for all. 性别平等运动(GEM)是博彩平台排名的性别包容组织. GEM这个名字是为了向第一位从亚洲博彩平台排名毕业的黑人女性致敬, Gertrude Amelia Mahorney.
    • @ gematbutler
  • Hillel
    • Hillel provides social, cultural, educational, 在犹太背景下为博彩平台排名学生提供社区服务和宗教观察. 希勒尔亚洲博彩平台排名为所有学生提供了一个体验犹太信仰和文化的校园,并举办了一系列教育活动, social events, and speakers. 希勒尔不收会费,对所有人开放!
    • @buhillel
  • International Club
    • 国际俱乐部鼓励和促进社会和知识的交流和相互理解和欣赏文化的管家学生之间的所有国籍, 同时帮助博彩平台排名国际学生融入新的文化, location, and university.
    • @bu_internationals
  • Latinx Student Union (LSU)
    • Latinx Student Union is dedicated to developing, educating, empowering, 并联合拉丁裔学生,目的是在博彩平台排名的校园里建立一个社区和安全的空间.
    • @ bu_latinxsu
  • Muslim Student Association (MSA)
    • 博彩平台排名穆斯林学生协会希望促进不同宗教间的对话, volunteering, and the Muslim name not only at Butler University, but to the entire community. MSA计划在社区中促进宗教欣赏和多样性的活动.
  • South Asian Student Association
    • This organization aims to educate, empower, 并为所有背景的人提供享受和学习南亚文化/传统的机会. 博彩平台排名一年中最大的活动是排灯节和胡里节庆祝活动!
  • Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
    • NSJP’s work is centered on freedom, justice, and equality for the Palestinian people, 那些自1948年以来在以色列军事占领和殖民主义下没有基本权利的人. We believe that all struggles for freedom, justice, 平等是相互关联的,博彩平台排名必须体现博彩平台排名所设想的公正社会的原则和理想. NSJP stands against homophobia, misogyny, racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, classism, colonialism, ableism, and bigotry and discrimination of any form.
    • @ sjpbutler_
  • Students of Color Allied in Healthcare (SOCAH)
    • SOCAH对所有未来的医疗保健提供者开放,尤其是有色人种. 博彩平台排名的使命是提升有色人种在医疗保健领域的地位. We strive to address the complexities of race, nationality, culture, 种族关系到未来有色人种的医疗服务提供者同时也要强调有色人种患者的权益. 博彩平台排名还努力通过促进多样性来增强和维护有色人种学生在医疗保健领域的发言权, inclusion, and providing a safe and unified atmosphere.
    • @socah_butleru